Get a high-resolution isotherm A DDI isotherm pinpoints the water activity above which caking and clumping occur. Figure 1 shows what a DDI isotherm looks like. DVS studies predict how long it will take for a product to take on moisture under various conditions.
This allows product developers to study for example the amount of time it will take for a powder to reach 0. Simplify stability analysis in powders In this webinar, Dr. Brady Carter discusses how to use information provided by moisture sorption isotherms and water activity to extend shelf life and control stability in powders. Learn everything about how water activity can increase your profit and improve product quality and safety—all in one place.
Contact us. Check out the double-featured VSA. Learn more about how to use isotherms to find the water activity beyond which your product cakes or clumps. Fill out the form below to help us pair you with the right expert for your business. Language Deutsch English. Contact USA info metergroup.
The critical water activity Products cake or clump at a specific water activity a w. In addition, preserving them in vacuum sealer bags or mason jars will help maintain their flavor and freshness longer.
Spices, like all foods, have a distinct shelf life and will go bad. Heat, humidity, air, and sunlight all have detrimental effects: they break down the chemical compounds also known as essential oils that give spices their flavors and aromas.
When these chemical compounds break down the flavors lose potency. Recent studies indicate there are harmful chemicals in poor-quality dollar store containers, meaning they may not be safe for food products. Skip to content Articles. May 7, Joe Ford.
Table of Contents. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why do some powders clump in hot water? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 9 months ago. Viewed 12k times.
Improve this question. Chloe Chloe 1, 5 5 gold badges 15 15 silver badges 23 23 bronze badges. In my opinion, I'd say that cocoa powder clumps as much as flour Chloe: was it pure cocoa? Or was it a preparation for hot chocolate? The latter may contain anti-clumping agents. I don't know if anti-clumping agents are even necessary then. I add sugar separately. Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Nicely explained! I would also like to add that because of this, sugar and salt are larger particles without problems dissolving, than flour or cocoa powder.
If you would have flour particles that large, you surely would notice. But still, if you compare powdered sugar and flour which are about the same size , you will find that powdered sugar dissolves easy while flour clumps. Perhaps you could add to this an explanation about why some starches corn starch in particular mix with water much better at cold temperatures? CosCallis it has to do with gelation. Starches hydrate in cold water, but cook form a sticky gel in hot water.